Baby Anabelle

We went to visit Lauren, Don & Baby Anabelle in the hospital yesterday.  She was born at Baylor (same as Frank), but they have built a whole new maternity wing that is super nice!  It looks more like a Hilton than a hospital.  And Heath and I were just a little bit jealous.  Guess we should have another baby.  Whoa, Gammie — not quite yet!

Anyhoo, I wanted to post our pics here mostly for Lauren to see.  She is (the last person on Earth) not on Facebook.  For no apparent reason, I neglected to take a picture of Lauren.  She’s the one who did all the work!  Alas, I am a pretty terrible photographer anyway, especially with the fancy camera.

Sweet Baby and Proud Dad!

Sweet Baby and Proud Dad!

Frank with ants in his pants

Frank with ants in his pants

This is after every female in the room yelled "No!" when Frank tried to give Anabelle a love pat.

This is after every female in the room yelled "No!" when Frank tried to give Anabelle a love pat.


  1. Thanks so much for posting these. Now Anabelle can look at her boyfriend (i.e. Frank) any time she wants. two other things

    1. the reason you didnt take a pic with me is because I am not “camera ready” yet

    2. I am not of facebook because I know it will suck me in.

  2. Congrats to lauren and her family!

    love your blog

  3. Yay for Lauren! Congrats!

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