A blogging machine, I am

Ok, I know I’ve already posted once today, but something momentous has occurred since the last post.  Oprah would call it something ridiculous like an “A-ha Moment!”  I love when Frank has such a moment.  Past examples include when he first realized sleeping was a positive thing and when he realized he could manipulate his limbs to acquire objects.  You can actually see the moment that something *clicks* in his brain.  Well, a few minutes ago, he and the sippy cup finally had their “A-ha Moment!” 

You see, Heath and I were always good about feeding Frank with a bottle at least once a week since he was about 6 weeks old.  “Were” is the operative word.  After the holidays, we were a lot more lax about bottle feeding, as it was a lot easier and faster to just do it the old fashioned way.  Anyway, sometime in late February, we tried to give him a bottle and it was as if he had never seen the thing before.  Aaacckk!  Anyhoo, upon advice from the pediatrician and our friends, we ditched the bottle in favor of the sippy cup.  Except, until today, Frank thought the sippy cup was nothing more than a chew toy, hat, shotput, etc.  After many attempts and even a few nights of going to bed without milk, it finally *clicked* today.  I even grabbed the camera to capture an image of him drinking from the first…er…man-made product in 3 months!


Also, I happened to snap a picture of our resident yogi in his favorite new position, the Downward Facing Dog:


“Daddy went to Las Vegas, and all he brought me was this enormous and tacky fuzzy die!”


  1. I do the downward facing dog everyday. It is good for the back. Frank will have great posture and be toned!


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